I'm Back!

Hello Fellow Curlies!
I know it has been forever and I bet you thought I'd given up on the blog but I have had a very very busy almost-year. I am now a new mom and so my time has been almost nonexistent.
Also, my hair was in protective styles for much of the past year. I started with kinky twist extensions and then rope twists because I knew with a new baby I would not have time to deal with my hair. I took out the rope twists last week after four months in (yes my hair was a tangled mess) and am now rocking my first twistouts after a very long time.
 I was very happy to see my hair again and excited to resume my blogging on my hair journey. Its now a full-blown afro (goodbye twa!) so I can now play with different styles. Will I have the time to do all that? We will see. Whether I am able to find time to create a cute style or not, I will of course continue to take care of my 'fro in hopes it will get even bigger and fluffier and healthier. So continue on  this journey with me!
Although I have not had time to blog, I have been keeping a photo journal of my hair growth on fotki.com. Here is the link where you can check out pictures to see my hair growth transition: www.fotki.com/demena24

On a side note: Since my blogging time is limited due to the demands of being a new mom, my sis who became a Natural a few months after I did, will be sharing the hosting duties on this blog. Expect posts from her about various topics. Together hopefully we can continue to keep you inspired and excited about your own hair journey!