Do You Dudu(-Osum)?


I re-stocked my dudu-osum shampoo a few days ago and realized I never shared this find with you! I think I shared quite a few posts back that I do not use commercial shampoos in my hair. When I had a twa, I used only conditioner to wash my hair and as my hair has grown out, I have used a homemade shikakai shampoo (homemade shikakai shampoo recipe here). The only alternative to my homemade recipe is the dudu-osum herbal shampoo. I love it because it does not strip my hair of moisture.

Here are the ingredients:
Pure Honey, Shea Butter, Osum (Camwood), Potassium Palkernelate, Sodium Palm Kernelate, Glycerine, Aloe Vera, Lime Juice, Lemon Juice, Neem Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Water and Fragrance.